Eco Design Regulation (EU)2019/1781 01-07-2021
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Questions on the (EU)2019/1781 Eco Design Regulations
*Are motors manufactured outside the EU included?
The Eco design regulation includes motors imported and sold in the European Union.
*Are motors for export included?
The regulations do not apply for motors exported outside of the EU, however, care must be taken to observe any regulations on efficiency for that region. ie MEPS, NEMA Premium, etc
*I am replacing a motor that doesn’t meet the latest Eco design regulations, can I source a ‘like for like’ design?
From the 1st July 2021 to 30th June 2029, an identical replacement motor may be supplied, if it was placed on the market before 1st June 2022.
The replacement motor must show that it is to be used as a replacement and packaged accordingly.